
4.8.23 is here

DuoSTATION® MDM v4.8.23 contains new features, optimizations and bug fixes. Here are the most important changes.

Azure integration

Now it’s possible to import user account information from Azure AD. It’s possible to connect DuoSTATION MDM to multiple tenants and control in which group users should be saved.

How to get started?

The document DuoSTATION MDM – Integration Azure AD has instructions how to connect DuoSTATION MDM with Azure AD.

“Import users” controls how often import needs to be done. All new users will be added to the selected group in “Group settings”.

How does it work?

The import is performed as selected in settings (see above). Only user of type “Member” are imported. All new users will be saved in the groups selected in settings (see above).

The first import will be a full import. After that only changes will be imported. If “Reset last import date and status” (see above) is checked, next import will be a full import.

To avoid storing duplicate users, the system matches user accounts in this order:

Data in AzureHow it’s matched in DuoSTATION MDM
idUnique id in Azure saved for each user in DuoSTATION MDM.
If both values exist, they are matched with “Account group” and “Account name”.
mailIf the value exist, it’s matched with the user’s email.
userPrincipalNameMatched with “Account name”.
userPrincipalNameMatched with the user’s email.

What is imported?

The following data are imported:

Data in AzureHow it’s stored in DuoSTATION MDM
idSaved as id for future identification.
displayNameSaved as ‘Name’.
mail Saved as ‘Email’.
mobilePhone Saved as ‘Phone number’.
companyName Saved as ‘Company’.
department Saved as ‘Department’.
jobTitle Saved as ‘Position’.
onPremisesDomainName Saved as ‘Account group’.
onPremisesSamAccountName Saved as ‘Account name’.
userPrincipalName Saved as ‘Account name’ if onPremisesSamAccountName has no value.
accountEnabledSaved as ‘Account enabled’.